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About a dog!

to the dog with a bone,
who hada phone
of his own,
so he went to Rome,
and got a loan,
from a bank!

Isn't she so cute---->

Katz, Katz, Katz.....

KATZ! is a saying we all use when we are waisted and trying to LARE each other out, and it is very SKETCHY business, you may actaully say it is LAETCHY! But i doubt it, coz only sum of you know wot i'm on about! Big Sha-mone to the stoner stone which is currently being past around the world and big-it-up thee stoners Bible which is also currently located in Fermanagh sumwhere!!

The Godfather sends his luv.... m/

Remember when:- Aidy fell in the Erne at the forum chasing after a bouncy ball? Completely soaking his leg in tha process! The next night he decided to have a sequel and  fall in again getting his other leg least he got the ball baC, haha! PiCs of tha 'wet leg incident' can been seen at !!

Few Quotes:
I wana use your thighs as ear muffs
Natalie:- Put down those sticks you guys
Kim:- I dunno
Riti:- Mkay

Go on prove it....I dare ya!
Quick link to.... '' Tha Guest Book ''

A Man's Fate Is A Man's Fate, Life Is But An Illusion!
Quick link to... '' Random Stuff ''


Indeed I do.Do you not?